Tag: weight gain

How to ease back into blogging-setting a goal for Monday.

I know I’ve said it before, like a full year ago, but seriously

I’m getting my shit together to get back to blogging AT LEAST weekly.

shit together dog

I want to. I need to. I miss it, I need to work on my grammar, I want/need to work on my fitness, I want to set goals and work towards them.  I just have a lot of wants and needs right now and blogging use to help me with getting my thoughts in order and getting shit done.

Again I could list a billion excuses as to why I didn’t keep up with my blog.  BUT instead I’ll take some responsibility. I was lazy and didn’t make time for it.  Not gonna lie I could easily get lazy again, but this time there is a bit of a competition.  Almost a bribe if you will.  I am competitive and I find this very enticing.

I don’t know the exact details yet, they will be discussed and finalized this weekend. I will need to set some goals, which will be about weight loss, running and food. Maybe even a money goal this time around.

I need to give myself deadlines right now in order to get posting again. I will post on Monday, so check back  to see just what this bribe/competition is all about and what my new goals so that I can be held accountable to reach them.