Tag: yeg

A bit lazy

How many times can one announce  that they are back! I dunno yet, but I know I take a few little breaks here and there and then come back with a vengeance

woah, how did a month slip in between me posting? a few things happened.

I got a bit lazy.

I got un lazy because my husband and I adopted a 6 year old dog from the Humane Society, Koda=LOVE   (will share more of this story soon)

90lbs of sweetness

We sold our second property

I got a position as a supervisor and started working Mon-Thurs day shift (I usually blog during the morning when I’m off so need to figure out a new time) Also finding it hard to fit in strength training in between work, hockey, dodgeball seeing friends, eating, having a bit of relaxing time, housework, paying bills.. just life in general.  I’ll figure it out soon.

Our dog got lost a week after we got him, so searching, calling around and then picking him up took a while

I found a lost dog 4 days later and doing the same thing for that little guy took up some time.

Look at how scared he was 😦

haha Ok so it’s still all excuses but I’ve been busy.

Koda and I have gone on 4 runs, but we walk 2x a day for 30 minutes.  He can run an 8km, with a few little breaks to pee, smell things and walk but we’re building up to running the whole time.   He’s whining at me now since I’m at the computer instead of walking him… what a jerk.

Well this is it for today. Just wanted to say I’m still here, just had to take a break.

I’m off walk my dog and then to the gym.

So close to finishing this running goal

A view of downtown #yeg while running with some girlfriends on the weekend


44.89km was the total I ran last week! The goal was 40 🙂

Now by Jan 31 I only need to run 35.05km to complete my goal. I ran 5.57km this am, wasn’t feeling great today on the treadmill so I just did a shorter run.

That leaves me with 29.48km in 3 days. Which is a bit more than I wanted to do each day but I’ll get it done. 10km takes me about an hour to run so that’s more than manageable I’m just hoping the weather gets nicer so I can at least do some of that running outside!

this is me doing toe touches (ab work) and my personal home trainer staring me down
and this is what he does when I try to do other abs, stretches or anything on the floor