Tag: Salad

Use to have a salt tooth, now it’s an everything tooth

My monthly goal of running 125km is under way. This week I ran 26.81km. I was planning on doing 5 days of 5ks but the last day I blogged I ran 9.something k because it was so nice out, so that saved me from running yesterday which was fine because I had ball hockey in the evening. I always worry that I might injure myself before a game or be too tired to run hard at ball hockey so I usually make Sundays my rest day and hockey is just extra calories I burn. 

I got out for 2 runs in the pretty river valley.  I wished I lived closer.



I’ve also been reading more than one blog, tweet or other form of health tip a day since I started that as a challenge for the month of January. I don’t really have a way of proving it. I could type each on out word for word, or post them here but maybe I’ll just pick a favourite one from the week and post it. This had to be my favourite, how to stop your sugar habit. I’ve read a ton about how to cut back or eliminate sugar out of your diet, but I find it very challenging. I’m not sure when this happened to me either because I use to brag about how I only had a salt tooth, but all of a sudden I have an everything tooth.

Seriously though an everything tooth? I sound like a pregnant woman craving all sorts of crazy concoctions. Really I just crave food.  When I crave food I make a salad.  Why? cause you can put so many different foods in which will actually help stop some of the cravings, at least for me it does.

a healthy 300 Calories



Taco in a bag

Ok so I didn’t have a salad on Saturday, but Sunday we had Taco’s in a Bag.  so pretty much taco salad in a small chip bag.  This is one of those foods they now sell at every summer carnival but we decided to make while camping.  I didn’t measure anything out for this salad but I would have if I was in a kitchen cooking and not the wilderness.


I didn’t have a chance yet to weigh in, as I was camping still yesterday morning and was at work this am.  So I should have time tomorrow to jump on it. 

As in the scale jump on it 🙂

If you thought that salad was pretty..

then check out this sucker!



Chicken Asian Salad- again I made it at work so the house didn’t have everything I usually use but it has been my favourite so far.

4oz of chicken (didn’t have my scale so I guesstimated), 2 cups romaine lettuce, 1/3 cup bean sprouts, 1/2 yellow pepper, 1tbsp green onion, 1/4 cup celery, 8 baby carrots sliced, chow mein noodles- 25g, and the sauce, now this bit is super important, is a mix of Ketjap Manis soy sauce and kraft asian sesame.  1tbsp each! mix and its the best sauce! I tried something different this time, as I actually eat this salad ALL the time it had just been a while, was I marinated the chicken in a tbsp of the asian sesame sauce and then tossed it in sesame seeds then cooked it. I will be doing this from now on! I should have used less sesame seeds and I often don’t put in the chow mein noodles to save the calories but this salad came to 580 Calories and I am stuffed.

On a random thought, I have seen a crazy amount of people walking the streets holding kittens this week.  Is that normal? Cause I don’t take a walk cradling my cats ever

Suck it up

Weighed in folks

Current weight: 149 lbs

maintained, and I’m still under the dreaded 150 that I was stuck at for so long so here’s to a good week of eating starting today with my Salad a day!



Random tuna salad I made at work- yes they feed me here, it’s a perk as long as  there’s good healthy food.  Contains: 1 cup romaine lettuce, ½ cup tomato, ½ cup cucumber, ½ cup yellow pepper, 1 cup bean sprouts, 1/8 cup green onion, 1 tbsp sunflower seeds, 1oz mozza cheese, 2 tbsp light balsamic vinaigrette all for 389 calories.   not too shabby.  I’ll attempt a better looking steak salad tomorrow for dinner I think.  Also I’ve been eating this salad for 30 minutes already… not all at once I have been taking bites and typing this but that’s how huge it is!

ok also great success this am.  I’ve bitched and complained about how I’m not a 9-5 type of working girl but I set my alarm for 7am this morning (I know it’s not even that early) and was out the door for a 30 minute run by 7:15am! Way to suck it up, go me! I also felt amazing after, obvi right? always do after a workout, and I’ve packed my workout gear to hit the gym after work before I go help a friend paint.  BUSY, exercised filled day! my favourite!

Salad Challenge

I will weigh in tomorrow folks, I did a sleep over shift at work last night and then worked all day (24hour shifts, gotta love them) which means my scale is at home weighting (pun intended) for me to weigh in tomorrow morning.  So check back, though I’m sure there wont be much change this week as I had a very hard time convincing myself to be active last week.  I just don’t get why it’s so hard when I love exercising, BUT it happens and I’m feeling better about getting my ass in gear this week.

I follow a few other weight loss blogs and one of my favs is Trying Not to be Fat she is funny and motivating and I think we’d hang out if we lived in the same city 🙂  Any who that’s besides the point, she started this awesome personal challenge for herself in which she is going to eat a salad a day.  I’m going to join in the fun starting tomorrow I will probably make my salads for lunch, I find that’s the best time for me to eat them.  But I’ll be posting pictures and such about them.  I love a good salad so I’m pumped to make it a challenge and to make some new salads that I’ve never attempted at home before.