Tag: fitness

Weigh in day 2: Is it a positive or a positive?

Weighed in this morning and it’s one of those positive negative positive situations. How every you choose to look at it.

Weighted in at 159.2

so that’s down -.06 lb

So that’s POSITIVE, but it’s not the 1lb goal I have set for each week which is negative, BUT means I will be paying (a measly) $25 towards my lady’s shrinking debt.   so that’s still a positive in my mind as I still lost some weight and we’re getting rid of her debt.

I’m still really happy with my weight loss. I had another BUSY week working a little too much between my 2 jobs.  I stuck to my diet except for one evening had a larger snack and a treat, but shit. I was eating whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted and feeling like crap about it so I can’t even feel bad this week!

I only got 2 runs in this week totally 7.88km, but both were faster times than the last few times I ran so there’s another positive.

Koda leading the way on one of our runs.


My plan for the next week:

Friday- Training with Laura

Saturday- Training with Laura and short run 4-5km run in the river valley

Sunday- Longer Run with Koda  and Soccer game

Monday- I work 15 hours no planned workout

Tuesday- Spin class (unless I work late) or Gym night

Wednesday- Basketball game

Thursday- short run before work with Koda as I work LATE

My running goal for this week since I didn’t meet last weeks is to run a total of 15km. Very doable!

Paying off debt by getting fit.

It’s a little late, but it’s still Monday-the day I said I’d post!

I’m still not 100% sure if this bribe to get fit is going to work, but let me explain the just of it.

If I reach my weekly goal of losing a pound my girlfriend will put extra money towards her debt.   I’m sure this brings up some questions such as: why wouldn’t she just pay more towards her debt? or if you don’t reach your goal does she get to add to her debt? or why does she have debt anyways? or why do you have to lose weight for her to pay extra?

Forget all your questions, well except for the, does she get to add to her debt if I don’t reach my goal, NO.   The real question should be, how will that help you reach your goal each week?

It’s super motivating to me, as we will be working out together a lot of the time.  She has already stepped up and started paying more on her debt (in order for us to do more in the future- travel, home renos etc) and I’ve offered to help because I don’t have debt, but she wants to do it on her own. I highly respect this, but at the same time I love this gal and I’m sure some of that debt actually was spent on me, plus if we were to get married at some point that debt becomes mine anyways. Why not rid ourselves of it quicker!

If I reach my weekly goal, she will put $50 extra to pay off her debt.  I don’t reach my goal I will be paying the extra payment on her debt.  So this bribe is for both of us.  I’m always encouraging her to put a little more on her debt and she’s encouraging me to go to the gym and offering to workout with me. What a huge help to have a workout buddy and financial adviser in your own home. This will push both of us to work towards our goals.  I know she’ll push me to workout more as she doesn’t want me to help her with her debt and I won’t slack in order to make a payment, but I think if I keep reaching my goal then maybe I should be able to just make a secret payment.

We spent all weekend talking about it and figured this is fair as it really is a win/win for both of us. We’re both going to get fit and both going to come out ahead with the debt.

This bet/bribe/competition will start with weighing in this Friday since I still need to go out and buy a scale for the home and work a few extra shifts at work.  So week one will commence October 30 and we will know the first outcome on weight loss/debt repayment on November 6.  This doesn’t mean that I’m not working out this week, we went for a short 27 minute run after work today and have plans to do same or hit up the gym tomorrow.

She knows I don’t need a bribe to get my act together and get fit, she just figured to get started it might help jump start my motivation.  She was right.  We may also have a friend competition in the works, but again need to work out details.  another blog post, another day!

Let me know what you think.

How to ease back into blogging-setting a goal for Monday.

I know I’ve said it before, like a full year ago, but seriously

I’m getting my shit together to get back to blogging AT LEAST weekly.

shit together dog

I want to. I need to. I miss it, I need to work on my grammar, I want/need to work on my fitness, I want to set goals and work towards them.  I just have a lot of wants and needs right now and blogging use to help me with getting my thoughts in order and getting shit done.

Again I could list a billion excuses as to why I didn’t keep up with my blog.  BUT instead I’ll take some responsibility. I was lazy and didn’t make time for it.  Not gonna lie I could easily get lazy again, but this time there is a bit of a competition.  Almost a bribe if you will.  I am competitive and I find this very enticing.

I don’t know the exact details yet, they will be discussed and finalized this weekend. I will need to set some goals, which will be about weight loss, running and food. Maybe even a money goal this time around.

I need to give myself deadlines right now in order to get posting again. I will post on Monday, so check back  to see just what this bribe/competition is all about and what my new goals so that I can be held accountable to reach them.

Hypothermic Half Marathon and other events

Excuses, excuses that’s all I ever have for not hammering out a blog once a week, but man have I been busy. And by busy, I mean working out on the days I usually write my blog! So forgive me, please?

Where to start!?
I haven’t posted since January?! Damn I truly didn’t think it had been that long. I went home to visit my folks for 4 days at the beginning of feb and worked out 3/4 days with my 2 BFFs from high school. It was awesome. They let me put them through some tough workouts and they loved it! Or so they said 🙂20140218-095359.jpg

I have been emailing my nutritionist every Friday still updating her with my exercise for the week.  I need to get back on track with my eating.  I have lost weight in the past month, but I’ve also been pretty stressed out with life and haven’t been eating well.  Working out a ton to deal with the stress which has helped but I don’t want to put this weight back on.


Sun 1- 2 ball hockey games
Mon 2-rest
Tues 3-45-elliptical
Wed 4-rest
Thurs 5-30 elliptical 30 weigh training (with my girlfriends in the pic) 30 min dog walk
Fri 6- 35min elliptical, 30 min weight (with my girlfriends in the pic) 20 min dog walk and I’m headed to the gym with another girl friend of mine in an hour so at least another hour of exercise.


 Fri 7- 30 min cardio 30 min weight training ( with my girl friends in the pic)
Sat 8- 30 min cardio 30 min weight training
Sun 9- 2 ball hockey games
Mon 10-rest
Tues 11-30 min weights
Wed 12-rest
Thur 13- hour and a half drop in hockey and didn’t time it, but probably an hour at the dog park

Fri 14- 1 hour sculpt barre class and 1 hour at the dog park

Sat 15- 1.5 drop in hockey

Sun- My 3rd HALF MARATHON, and 1st half marathon of 2014 plus 2 ball hockey games

Ok lets talk about this Half Marathon- The Hypothermic Half.

I did not training very well for this run.  The longest run I did before hand was 12k which was about 3 weeks ago? maybe longer. Jill my running buddy and I were both freaking out a bit about doing the run but both said “F it, we’ll do what we can. If we have to walk we walk”  well we finished in 2:18 (unofficial time- still need to check the official time)which is our best time to date.  The last half we ran together we did in 2:28 so we shaved about 10 minutes off.  We enjoyed a lovely brunch after. 20140218-095338.jpg

I had some calf cramping issues this run as well.  They started around the 15km mark but and would once in a while cramp, so Jill and I would walk for a bit until I could run again.  Other than this the run was great! My only other issue is I feel sick almost immediatly after I finish running, and do for most of the day. Not 100% sure what to do about that, so if anyone has any tips feel free to pass them along.



icy walks and rolled ankles.

I missed blogging last week, completely lost track of the weekend.
What did I get up to last week you may be wondering? (Feb 17-23)
Fri- I can’t remember/didn’t put it into MFP
Sat- 60 min run
Sun-120 min run and 2 ball hockey games
Mon- rest
Tues- 20 min dog walk
Wed- nothing
Thurs- 40 min dog walk and 1.5hours at drop in ball hockey
This week felt like it was spring.  It was warm, all the snow was melting and ice was forming when it cooled off at night, which lead to a horrible week for running.  PURE icy walks everywhere.  I set out one day to run with Koda and it turned into a core building walk as we were both slipping and sliding.  I promptly went to the running room and bought spikes, which I’ve been meaning to do for a few years, but have yet to use them… too scared, just so much ice!
This week I managed to fit in a fair amount of work out time even with an injury. (Feb 24-30)
Friday-45 minute dog walk
Sat-2.5 hours at drop in hockey
Sun-1 ball hockey game, I rolled my ankle at the end of the game 😦 had to miss game 2
wed-60min on the elliptical
Thurs-1.5 at drop in hockey
I weighed in last week and I am still at the same weight this week 146.8 (ok I’m actually up .2 but does that even count?)
I rested my stupid ankle Sunday night, Monday and Tues.  Wednesday I was going nuts so I went to the gym and used the elliptical for an hour.  Figured I wouldn’t run on my ankle just to give it more of rest.  I wasn’t planning on going to drop in this week but got a last-minute invite and figured why not.  The ankle is feeling pretty good and if it hurts I can always stop. I have been playing a ton of ball hockey, as I have mentioned, and love, love, love playing. If I could play every day I would. I’m building more confidence and skill each time I play.  At last nights drop in, I’ve only gone to this drop in twice, one of the guys that I played against last week made sure I was on his team.  He asked if I play, which I informed him of my Ladies Leagues, and he said “ya it shows, you’re good.  You know positions, cover for D” and maybe a few other things.  I said thank you, as I’m still always a little thrown off when I get complements, especially from people I don’t know very well.  Hoping to make it to drop in tomorrow and then I have 2 games on sunday!
I am off to the gym this morning though, so I better get off my butt and the computer before I get into a “I don’t feel like working out” stage.. hey it happens, even though I like working out!
Have a great weekend!

Ball Hockey Tournament

Weighed in at: 148 lbs yesterday morning.

so I’m -1lb this week

I didn’t have the greatest week but here’s what I got up to since last Friday.

Friday- 40 minute run on the treadmill – Catching up on season 3 of The Walking Dead

Saturday- 4 ball hockey games.  I was in an outdoor tournament with some friends.

Sunday- 1 last game for the outdoor tournament, and then my 2 regular ball hockey games

the rest of the week was extremely stressful and I didn’t have time to work out 😦

We were the only team with more women than men, ok there was only one other team with women. We destroyed one mens team and did very well against a young mens team- all whom were under 24 and play a high level of hockey.  We ended up only playing these 2 mens teams due to some teams not showing up as it was so cold.  Remember it was an outdoor tournament at -20 with the windchill.

some of my fav ladies
missing a few members of our team


Due to my stressful week I have still not set any monthly goals.  I didn’t work on my goal of pre-packaging food for the week, it just seems like too much right now.  I’m just trying to make sure I eat at all with this stress.  My first half marathon for the year is coming up on Feb 16 so I am off to get out for a training run as I have been slacking in that department.  I know I’m physically fit enough to, just need to up my mental game and make sure my calves don’t cramp up while running.

Have a great week!

back from holidays

swear we’re not naked!

Well I’m back from the Dominican, what a GREAT trip.  I finished 2 books and started a 3rd all while laying by the pool for 7 days.  Most relaxing trip I think I’ve ever had.

I didn’t plan to work out while we were away and I also didn’t follow my new clean eating plan. It’s really hard when you don’t cook for yourself.   On the positive note about that the resort was huge, so Ryan and I walked to and from almost every meal (about a 1km walk each time) and I did some squats, push ups, abs in the room at night. I only over ate at one meal.  You know the over eating when you’re stomach actually hurts and I tried to make healthy choices as best I could.  I am waiting to check the scale till Monday am since I know I hold a lot of water weight after flying.

I had made a workout plan before I left on holidays in hopes to fit it all in.  I didn’t fit it all in, but did 2 of the 5 workouts which really is better than nothing.  Had to stay late at work and do some last-minute running around for the trip, such is life.  I’m back at it today, started off the am with a healthy breakfast, about to go grocery shopping and have hockey tonight.  Another plus, and I’ve said it a few times before with no follow through, my husband has agreed to working out with me 3 times a week for an hour while we have a show on netflicks in the back ground.  I asked him while away to workout with me, saying he’s promised me this for at least a year now, and really what is 3 hours? NOTHING, he spends at least  15 hours watching TV/playing video games a week, so why can’t 3 of those hours be working out hours.  He said ok since he knows I want and need that extra support from him and he’s feeling a little tubbier than he use to be.  I know it’s going to be like pulling teeth to actually get him to workout, so here’s hoping he follows through.


I went for a run

I’m off every Friday with my current position at work.   This is the day I usually get all my chores for the week done, random errands, appointments and a good workout.   As I’ve mentioned I’ve signed up for a half marathon.  It’s not till February, but I am in training as I’m a tad out of running shape right now due to my lazy/un-motivational summer.  I usually deal with a few injuries when I’m training as well so the earlier I start, the earlier I can fix the injury and keep training.  Anyhow Friday I set out on a run with my bestest running partner Koda.


I was only planning on doing about 5km or so, but once we got to about 4km I took a path that led us to this great off leash forested area, where I’ve run before, but never realized was an off leash because I didn’t have Koda then.   It’s a great path because it’s not just flat.  There’s little hills and some short steeper hills.  So when I came to a bigger hill, Koda and I would run up and down it once or twice.   I also remembered there were stairs further down the path so Koda and I went to find them and did the stairs 4 times.  Ok well I did the stairs 4 times.  Koda did them 3 times and then ran to this nearby creek to get a drink while I ran the fourth time.  Then we ran back out of the forest and headed home.  In total we did 10km in just over an hour.  I really don’t care what my time is because after being sick and having issues running 5km last weekend I was worried I couldn’t’ run for more than 5km. I was also kind of worried about the half marathon I signed up for.  Thinking “shit if I’m having troubles running 5km how am I going to do 21.1?”  Well that 10k put those fears to rest.  I have weeks to train still and I have a running partner who will gladly run any time I want.  PLUS I am running the half with my old blogging partner Jill so once she’s back from a month-long trip she will also want to train with me.

Saturday Koda and I got out for a faster paced 4km run.  Still slower than I usually am, but faster than my average pace of the 10km so that’s good.  I also met up with some friends later in the day at a dog park and forgot to track how many km we walked.  Koda loves the exercise and so do I.  He really is great motivation for me to stay fit.  People keep telling me that Koda’s lost weight, put on muscle and looks great.  So I think all the running/walking we’re doing is benefiting both of us.  Now just to get the husband on board.

I’m off to play ball hockey now and then hit the dog park.  Loving my exercised filled weekends, now to get the exercise to happen after work during the weekdays.

What are you doing to be active today?

New face to the fitness journey

One of my longest friends has started a fitness journey of her own Out Running the Fat Kid and needs all the encouragement, tips and support that I’ve had since I started my blog a few years ago.  Check her out and send her some encouraging words.


I of course have taken a break from the blog world without informing any of my blogging friends, hope you will all forgive me.  I am coming up with some new goals after one busy summer (and not the healthiest I have to admit) to get in gear for my trip to the Dominican in November.   I’m moving my ass again.

Finding Routine

I’m in my fourth week of this new position at work. I work Mon-Thurs, 9-4 (9-10 on Mondays). It’s a decent shift. I used to have a 3 week random rotation that I wont even attempt to explain besides I worked: evenings, days, 24 hours shift and did sleep over shifts- I work in a group home setting.


My goal is to be able to get up at 7, run my dog from 7:15-7:45, shower and leave for work by 8:30. eventually I’d like to fit in a work out in the evenings as well (weight training type workout)

So far I have not accomplished this once, but I do get up at 7:30am get ready for work and walk Koda from 8-8:30. Walking is better than nothing for me and the dog loves it.

He is eager to get outside as soon as I leave the bedroom as he is used to our morning routine of walking. The major problem is I’m not exercising nearly as much as I was when I worked my random schedule. I still play ball hockey, but the season is coming to and end, as is my co-ed (beer league) soccer team. Then what will I do all summer to keep moving?


Why don’t I workout after work you ask? I feel guilty not going home to

1. See my husband, whom I hardly see as he works 4 on 4 off night shift

2. Poor Koda likes to go for an after work walk if the hubby hasn’t taken him before he works.

I think what I need to do is keep attempting to get up earlier each week and eventually I will be able to get up at 7 and run. I feel so lame saying I have issues waking up at 7am when I know I even have followers who get up and run at all hours, when they are hung over and are just really motivational. 

BUT it’s a struggle for me right now and that’s why I blog. Maybe someone else can relate or has tips?

How have you made yourself a workout routine?

How do you fit in workouts between work, family, pets, sickness, life?